Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sorry for the no post!

It's exam week and i'm rushing to get everything done, and buy everything Ineed to because im heading home in a week T___T so sad to think about it, but I think for now Im going to stick to vlogging on my youtube page because its so much easier right now, and then when I get back to Canada I can carefully prepare my blog and posts and everything when I have the time in Canada

My youtube username is choiminhoishot   ( i made this when I was like....16  =___= ) haha
so check it out, ive been posting videos regulary about life in Seoul!

Monday, July 18, 2011



Bohryeong mud festival/Out and around

SOO  I havent been posting alot lately because im preparing to go to China tomorrow for a mini trip! I went to the mud fesitval that is everyyear for like 2 weeks? Its just a huge mud party where everyone gets suuuper muddy and plays on some rides and then jumps in the ocean haha :) its sooo busy there! and about half of it is foriegners....drunken...foreigners..

July Friday 16th

Yeah so this night we were supposed to go to the most popular club in Seoul...and guess why that didnt happen? We were waiting in line for 2 hours haha so we got sick of it and went to Hongdae to Club Cocoon! haha ironic...we shouldve expected it...;;

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

University of Seoul Party @ Masuri 마수리

Soooo I guess everynight UOS always has something going on and random people can just show up, last night it was a birthday party for 2 students at a place called Masuri ^___^ It was CRAZY INSANE FUN because at first everyone was just sitting, drinking, talking. And then all of a sudden we all got drunk at once and started dancing on the tables/chairs.  It got really crazy haha. UOS STYLE <3

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hongdae- Coffee Prince Cafe!

Today I went to the actual filming place of Coffee Prince :) and I drank yummy iced caramel macchiato~ then my wallet was stolen in Hongdae FMLLLLL. so i had to scramble for like 5 hours calling Canadian banks and my Korean bank and my drivers lisence company and everything to cancel everything. ANOTHER THING. calling cards may SAY they work in other countries, i bought a calling card in Canada that said it works in Korea, but no. when I call it says in Korean it doesnt work in Korea.   not so fun.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Where: 창원/거제/army training base

woooow so this weekend I went on a huge tour of Korea with some friends/family and I basically went everywhere. I went to Daejeon, Daegu, Gyoungju, Changwon, Geoje, Jinhae, Busan, etc etc

Thursday, July 7, 2011

HUGE shopping haul - 명동,강남,Lotte Mart, Artbox

So it's no secret for sure I LOVE SHOPPING, and with the prices in Korea ( compared to Canada prices ;___; ) being SO CHEAP shopping here is amazzzzing <3  at my University, I can get a good meal for 2500원 which converts to 2.27 $  =___= WHICH IS CRAZY. I was expecting to spend like atleast 20$ a day on food, but so far I dont think ive ever spent over 10$ in one day for food. LEGIT I want to move here soooo badly, it just works so good for me because the Canadian dollar is worth here more, and everything is much cheaper here <3 I never want to go shopping or eat out again in Canada because I will feel disgusted with the price haha. Even here, I still get shocked when I hear prices.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday in Cheongdam/ Sunday

This was a good weekend ^___^ It might be my last weekend that I have free time as much as I do~ on Saturday it was a huge orientation party for all the exchange students in all the Seoul universities, JYP even was there! He was standing in the VIP line! It was at a club in Cheongdam and its the biggest in Korea ( I was told;;) then on Sunday it was just a chill day because the whole International kids were dead from the night before;;

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Friday night/Saturday afternoon

On Friday night me and a few friends went to Hongdae for the night! Hongdae is close to Hongik University and A TONNN of university kids go there to drink/club! We went to a resturant and drank some soju, etc etc. Then today I had a field trip for my Asian Culture class, we went to the Kings Palace, Insadong, wore a hanbok, etc :)