Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hongdae- Coffee Prince Cafe!

Today I went to the actual filming place of Coffee Prince :) and I drank yummy iced caramel macchiato~ then my wallet was stolen in Hongdae FMLLLLL. so i had to scramble for like 5 hours calling Canadian banks and my Korean bank and my drivers lisence company and everything to cancel everything. ANOTHER THING. calling cards may SAY they work in other countries, i bought a calling card in Canada that said it works in Korea, but no. when I call it says in Korean it doesnt work in Korea.   not so fun.

took so long to find it in Hongdae! such a random place~

everyone inside was a tourist~

me and my roomate :)

the wall! everyone autographed it!

my iced caramel machiato~ so good!

gong yu <333

when they played the drums~ do you remember?

overall the cafe was ALOT smaller than what appeared in the drama!!! in the drama it looks like the cafe is by itself, but in Hongdae its totally surrounded!~~ i guess the way it make it seems~~ also the place is runned down quite a bit from being used for filming in 2007.
 Idk why they dont keep it in good shape~
also only the first floor is allowed on, and the drinks are quite overpriced. my drink was 6,000 won which is like 6$. and MOST of their business is from touriests who watched the drama, but I think after more time passes no one will watch it and I think the business will die down, because the only reason MOST people go there is because of watching the Coffee Prince~

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