Saturday, September 24, 2011



That is where I will post all my videos/music everything frm now on. all my vidoes will be posted on youtube though. and prob tumblr haha

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sorry for the no post!

It's exam week and i'm rushing to get everything done, and buy everything Ineed to because im heading home in a week T___T so sad to think about it, but I think for now Im going to stick to vlogging on my youtube page because its so much easier right now, and then when I get back to Canada I can carefully prepare my blog and posts and everything when I have the time in Canada

My youtube username is choiminhoishot   ( i made this when I was like....16  =___= ) haha
so check it out, ive been posting videos regulary about life in Seoul!

Monday, July 18, 2011



Bohryeong mud festival/Out and around

SOO  I havent been posting alot lately because im preparing to go to China tomorrow for a mini trip! I went to the mud fesitval that is everyyear for like 2 weeks? Its just a huge mud party where everyone gets suuuper muddy and plays on some rides and then jumps in the ocean haha :) its sooo busy there! and about half of it is foriegners....drunken...foreigners..

July Friday 16th

Yeah so this night we were supposed to go to the most popular club in Seoul...and guess why that didnt happen? We were waiting in line for 2 hours haha so we got sick of it and went to Hongdae to Club Cocoon! haha ironic...we shouldve expected it...;;

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

University of Seoul Party @ Masuri 마수리

Soooo I guess everynight UOS always has something going on and random people can just show up, last night it was a birthday party for 2 students at a place called Masuri ^___^ It was CRAZY INSANE FUN because at first everyone was just sitting, drinking, talking. And then all of a sudden we all got drunk at once and started dancing on the tables/chairs.  It got really crazy haha. UOS STYLE <3

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hongdae- Coffee Prince Cafe!

Today I went to the actual filming place of Coffee Prince :) and I drank yummy iced caramel macchiato~ then my wallet was stolen in Hongdae FMLLLLL. so i had to scramble for like 5 hours calling Canadian banks and my Korean bank and my drivers lisence company and everything to cancel everything. ANOTHER THING. calling cards may SAY they work in other countries, i bought a calling card in Canada that said it works in Korea, but no. when I call it says in Korean it doesnt work in Korea.   not so fun.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Where: 창원/거제/army training base

woooow so this weekend I went on a huge tour of Korea with some friends/family and I basically went everywhere. I went to Daejeon, Daegu, Gyoungju, Changwon, Geoje, Jinhae, Busan, etc etc

Thursday, July 7, 2011

HUGE shopping haul - 명동,강남,Lotte Mart, Artbox

So it's no secret for sure I LOVE SHOPPING, and with the prices in Korea ( compared to Canada prices ;___; ) being SO CHEAP shopping here is amazzzzing <3  at my University, I can get a good meal for 2500원 which converts to 2.27 $  =___= WHICH IS CRAZY. I was expecting to spend like atleast 20$ a day on food, but so far I dont think ive ever spent over 10$ in one day for food. LEGIT I want to move here soooo badly, it just works so good for me because the Canadian dollar is worth here more, and everything is much cheaper here <3 I never want to go shopping or eat out again in Canada because I will feel disgusted with the price haha. Even here, I still get shocked when I hear prices.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday in Cheongdam/ Sunday

This was a good weekend ^___^ It might be my last weekend that I have free time as much as I do~ on Saturday it was a huge orientation party for all the exchange students in all the Seoul universities, JYP even was there! He was standing in the VIP line! It was at a club in Cheongdam and its the biggest in Korea ( I was told;;) then on Sunday it was just a chill day because the whole International kids were dead from the night before;;

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Friday night/Saturday afternoon

On Friday night me and a few friends went to Hongdae for the night! Hongdae is close to Hongik University and A TONNN of university kids go there to drink/club! We went to a resturant and drank some soju, etc etc. Then today I had a field trip for my Asian Culture class, we went to the Kings Palace, Insadong, wore a hanbok, etc :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Residence Life / Getting settled in

My dorm is crazyyy nice. It's basically like a flat, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and then one living room. For exchange students its free!! I love my dorm ^___^ It's usually 2 Korean students & then 2 exchange students~

Where: Dongdaemun/Kwanghwamun/Hankang

My university is in the Dongdaemoon district, but I am quite far from the huge Dongdaemoon market!! ( ITS CRAZY ) like. I didnt even buy anything. I was just in shock from all the clothing!! It's basically like G-market but in real life in a huge mall haha. Gmarket is still cheaper I think;; I will have to go back again and buy the things I like. They sold alot of cute clothing like Angry Bird good. After the market I then went on a mini adventure and went to Kwanghwamoon square and then went to the Han river :)

Where: Icheon pottery making

I was supposed to go to Everland/Caribbean Bay that day but it was crazy monsooning so we decided to do something that was still close. The town Icheon is famous for its pottery and ceramic, everywhere you can see ceramic on signs and in stores etc. My school is even going to go do this as a field trip but I might skip it because I already did it

Where: Lotte World!

yayyy my first full day in Seoul and I went to Lotte world with 2 of my friends!!!! And I even got to see Heechul of Super Junior there!!! I was sitting down and I saw him and his body guards and im like like  O___O then I saw alot of fan girls running and im still like O___O omg is this really happening. Then I went after haha but by the time I caught up he was already into his room and his body guards were protecting him ;___; anyways it was cool that I got to see a celebrity :3

The flight from Halifax to Seoul!/ First day in Seoul ^__^

OKAY SO SORRY FOR THE NO POST T____T the internet in Seoul didnt work well with my laptop, something to do with me having Norton on my laptop also because google chrome? idk but I have been without my laptop for almost a week :(
I have A TONNNN of photos and videos so im going to post alot at once!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

useful links for baggage! ( Air Canada )

This is the information for CARRY ON baggage

Information for CHECKED baggage ( underneath plane )


Countdown : 10 days to go ( Sorry for the no post )

OMGG I haven't posted in such a long time T___T I was supposed to post on Thursday, but I have been so busy working like crazy and I finallly fixed my sleeping schedule so I go to bed at 11:40ish everynight and I wake up at 8, and if I mess it up I get frustrated xD

Monday, June 6, 2011

Costs of my trip

The list of things I paid for are: new passport, extra passport photos, air flight, tuition, registration at my university, registration at UOS, Chinese visa & Beijing trip. Below I will list the costs and list of things that were waived for exchange students and also some reimbursements I'm getting back ^__^

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Countdown: 20 days to go

Image and video hosting by TinyPic    Assa!!! The day's are going by so fast now !! Especially because I'm working almost everyday since I picked up a 2nd job ^^ I have handed in ALL(It's only taken me 5 months...they wouldn't stop coming) The only thing I have left to do is....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Flight Schedule

Halifax-Toronto  2 hours 14 minutes (795 miles)
Toronto-Vancouver 4 hours 58 minutes (2083 miles)
Vancouver-Incheon 11 hours 15 minutes (5088 miles)
T___T 18 hours 27 minutes. 7966 miles.
the diameter of the earth is 7 926.3352 miles
idk what that means haha its just alot!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How To : Application for Chinese Visa ( For Canadians )

So I had a little bit of problem obtaining my Chinese Visa simply because they need you to do everything perfectly and you only have a limited amount of time to fill it out ( Your not allowed to do it too early, not allowed to do it too close to your trip to china)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How To: Learn how to read/write Hangul

(Ahn Nyeong Ha Sae Yo)
Hello everyone! I am going to tell everyone today the EXACT way that I learned how to read/write Korean. It's not hard at ALL just simple logic of sounding out words and mixing them together.  If you put time into it, you can master it in 3 days;;no lie guys ㅋㅋㅋ. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Got my roomate u__u

Sooo today I found out who my roomate is :) She's super cute! We have already exchanged a few emails and I think we will be good friends! She said the residence's in UOS are suuuper nice & air conditioned and such :)
I also got more deadlines places on me from the UOS

Monday, May 23, 2011

Countdown : 30 days to go

大家好! Well for the first time in WEEEEKS it stopped raining!!!!!
words cannot explain my happiness!! It's actually becoming sunny!
But the temperature has not warmed up much;; lately it's still been around 6~7 degrees D:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pre-departure Preparation: Check list

Well it's about that time to prepare for the list minute things that are NECESSARY for maintain safety in your overseas travel! Here are a list of things every (Canadian) should do before travelling overseas.

Monday, May 16, 2011

About Me

So, this is going to be my post about me, obviously.
I am going to put most of the information behind a cut,
because there is going to be quite a bit more than usuall u___u
I 찡찡 TOOO much ㅋㅋ

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How To: Brightening and Smoothing Facial Mask

      So, as usual on Saturdays I get off work at 9:00, go out to Tim Hortons with Minji, then come home and watch some dramas. But before the drama watching I wanted to do some type of mask. So I found it on E-How and here is the recipe!!

Countdown : 40 days to go

        Hello everyone ^^ I am quite happy with the amount of views my last post got, so I realized alot of people that are reading this don't know me;; I will do a 'About Me' post coming soon then :3
        Today I will talk about how I am preparing for Korea with 40 days left ( I meant to post this yesterday;; Fell asleep because I worked 10 hours u___u ) & what else I have to do~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to : application to UOS (University of Seoul)

SO, I'm skipping the introduction since everyone who is going to be reading this already knows me. I'll get to how to apply to the UOS and all the papers and BS basically you need to do.

-under going construction-